In The Name of ALLAH, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
Your Guide to Umrah Rituals
The Faraaidhs or Musts of Umrah (Without these Umrah cannot
be performed)
1. Wearing of Ihraam
2. For IHRAM one must have a Niyyah and say Talabiyyah
3. Rounds of Kaba
4. Have Niyyah of Tawaf
Other Things which are doable and all Muslims do
1. Saii of Safa & Marwaah ( Runn between Safa &
2. After Tawaf & Saii get a haircut

Now Performing Umrah in detail
If a pilgrim wishes to be purely ritual for the Umrah, he
should bathe as he is attributed to all Muslims, if that suits. He should
perfume his head and beard with the best oil he can find. There is no harm in
remaining after Ihram.
Swimming for Ihram is a sunnah for men and women, including
women who have their period and those who have postnatal bleeding. After
bathing and preparation, a. Pilgrims, other than those who have their period or
who have postnatal bleeding, pray the obligatory prayer, weather permitting.
Otherwise, he makes his intention by praying the two rakass sunnah that is
made whenever the wudhu is performed.
It is good to pray with the head covered and the first
rakaa, it is necessary to recite Surah Al Kafiroon "Qul Ya Ayyu Hal Kafroon" and the second rakaa Suraa Akhlas
When we finish the prayer we say Niyyah from Umrah who is
OH ALLAH I decided to realize Umrah Accespt on my part and
make the performance easy for me
Now the Niyyah is done now one should say:
Here I am for Umrah--here I am, Oh ALLAH, here I am. Here I am. You have no partner. Here I am. Surely all praise, grace, and dominion is yours, and you have no partner. [Talbeeyah].
The Baïk ALLAH huma Labbaik, Labbaïk Shareeka Laha Labbaïk, Innal Hamda
wa Niaamat Lak wa almulk, La Shareek Lak
A man raises his voice by saying this and a woman says it so
that only one next to her can hear it. An Ihram should say Talbeeyah as often
as possible, especially when times and places change. For example: going
downhill or uphill during the journey or when the day or night is approaching.
He should also ask ALLAH's pleasure, heaven, and seek refuge with ALLAH at the
mercy of Hellfire.
It must be said Talbeeyah during Umrah, from the moment he
puts his Ihram until he starts Tawaf. During the Hajj, he should say it from
the moment he puts on his Ihram until he starts stoning Jamrah Al-Aqaba on EID.
When you arrive in Mecca, collect the luggage at the hotel
or residence and go immediately to Masjidul haraam. When we see the Kaaba for
the first time, we must pay as much as we can and pray for everything that is
When a pilgrim enters the Holy Masjid, he advances his right
foot and says:
In the name of ALLAH, peace, and blessings be upon the Messenger of ALLAH, OH ALLAH, forgive me my sins and open me. the gates of Your mercy, I seek refuge with Almighty ALLAH and in his eminent face and in his eternal Dominion against the accursed Satan.
He approaches the black stone, the touch of the right hand, and the kisses.
If that's not possible, he should face the black stone and point fingers. It is
best not to shove, to cause harm, and to be hurt by other people.
When touching the Stone, a pilgrim should say the following:
In the name of ALLAH, ALLAH is the greatest. Oh, ALLAH, with faith in you, belief in Your book, loyalty to you, compliance to the way of your Prophet Muhammad--may the peace and blessings of ALLAH be upon him.
A pilgrim must walk, keeping the Ka'bah on his left. When he
reaches the Rukn Al Yamani he should touch, but not kiss it, and say:
Our Lord, grant us good in this life and good in the hereafter and save us from the punishment of the Hellfire. Oh ALLAH, I beg of You for forgiveness and health in this life and in the Hereafter.
Each time he passes the Black Stone he should say:
ALLAH is the Greatest.
During the rest of his Tawaf, he can say what he wants from
supplications, mentioning ALLAH and reciting the Qur'an. This is because Tawaf,
Sa'yi, and Stoning the Jamrah were designed to mention ALLAH. During this Tawaf,
it is necessary for a man to do two things:
Al-ldhtebaa 'from the beginning of Tawaf until the end.
Al-ldhtebaa 'means placing the middle of his Reda' under his
right arm and his extremities on his left shoulder.
When he has finished playing Tawaf, he can put his Reda back
into its original state because the time of Idhtebaa 'is only during the Tawaf.
Al-Raml in the first three circuits. Al-Raml means speeding
up with small steps. A pilgrim must walk at a normal pace during his last four
circuits. When he has finished seven circuits of Tawaf, he approaches Maqam
Ibrahim and recites:
And take the post of Abraham as a place of prayer
Chapter 2, verse 125 [2: 125].
He prays two short Rakaas, as close as possible, behind Maqam Ibrahim. During
the first rakaa, he recites surah Al-Kafirun [chapter 109] and the second surah
al-lkhlas [chapter 112]. When he has finished the two rakaas, he will have to
go back to the black stone and touch it, if that suits him. He goes to Mesa'a
and when he approaches As-Safaa he recites,
Verily, As-Safaa and Al-Marwah are among the sanctuaries of ALLAH [2: 158].
He climbs As-Safaa until he is able to see the Ka'ba. Facing
the Ka'ba and raising his hands, he praises ALLAH and makes supplications of
his choice. The Prophet, may ALLAH's peace and blessings be upon him, prayed,
"There is no god but ALLAH alone," three times pleading between the
two. He descends As-Safaa and walks towards Al-Marwah at a normal pace until he
reaches the green marker. He should then run fast to the next green marker. He
continues to Al-Marwah at a normal pace. When he succeeds, he climbs, faces the
Qibla, raises his hands, and repeats what he said about As-Safaa. He descends
Al-Marwah towards As-Safaa taking care to walk where the march is designated
and to run where the race is designated.
He continues this procedure until he finishes seven rounds.
Going from As-Safaa to Al-Marwah is a turn and coming back is another round.
During his Sa'yi, he can recite what he wants from supplications, recite the
Quran and mention ALLAH. At the end of Sa'yi, he shaves his head. A woman cuts
her hair with a fingertip. Shaving is best, except when the pilgrimage is near
and there is not enough time for the hair to grow back. In this case, it is
best to cut the hair so that it remains shaved during the Hajj. With that, the
Umrah is over and a pilgrim is free to dress differently, to wear perfume and
to have conjugal relations, etc.